Friday, September 24, 2010

Ayanna is on her way....

It's finally here my little princess is on her 1st offical "field trip" home...I can't believe it! I haven't slept all night...neither has Cameron her new big brother...we are trying to get her bag ready to meet her at the hospital today..Elisa & Cindy called me bright & early and said that she had a royal send off at the hospital and that she was all smiles...when the phone rang at 7:15am this morning i was still crying and when I heard Lisa's voice the tears of joy just made them pour more as I know that she is going to miss her so much!  Kathy the fight nurse is supposed to call me at the 1/2 post so I will post an update...and I will make sure that we get TONS of video and pictures today....Sunday will be the day that we get to take our 1st family pictures as big sis "Ericka" & Gavin Max will be home, so those phones will be posted as well.....i want to thank you all....the nurses, and our famiy and the AMAZING church family that we have with all of the phone calls and constant prayer and support and re-assuring words...thank you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hello's me Teresa...Ayanna landed at Boeing Field today at approx 3pm and was all smiles and waving her hands if to say "I'm Here"
    It was the most amazing thing we got to video the plane landing and taxi'ing and just as the plane stopped and the ambulance pulled up and the door opened Cameron jumped right in the plane and said "hi sis".....i love you so much" it was so precious and sweet. We followed them to the hospital and she got all settled in and it's now 10:45pm and she is sound asleep....she's had a long 1st field trip to her new home....Daddy saw her tonight and he will blog too....
